The Segura basin (CHS) will build a "special step" for otters in the MU-520 road, in the environment of the dam of Ojós at Blanca (Murcia), to prevent the abuse of individuals of this species in danger of extinction.
( Image: www.achus.org )
CHS fonts EFE reported today that the said highway, near the site of the dam of Segura River Ojós is a "black spot" for otters as well as other protected species such as birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals.
The otter, which has been detected recently in the middle of the river Segura, is a different mustelid protected by international law and national ranking. Collection appears in the status of "endangered" in the Catalogue of threatened species of wildlife, hunting and river fishing in the Region of Murcia.
With this measure, the CHS seeks to promote the maintenance of the species she is again on the river Segura. The dam of eyes this area is located at the Site of Community Importance (SCI) "Sierra de Ricote" The Navel "and the Special Protection Area (SPA)" Sierra de Ricote - The Navel ", which according to Law 42/2007 of December 13 Natural Heritage Biodiversity, are considered protected natural areas.
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