Friday, April 11, 2008
A campaign for shark conservation was presented Today in Panama MarViva, with calls for government authorities to act against "irresponsible fishing practices" contrary to this marine species.
( Image: Agencia EFE)
campaign with the slogan "I saved a shark" , will last two months that will be collected 100,000 signatures to include in a letter to be delivered to the President Panama, MartÃn Torrijos, told reporters the executive director of MarViva, Gabriela Etchelecu.
The letter to Torrijos will have eleven recommendations for protecting marine resources, promote their sustainable use and responsible and help the preservation of sharks.
also suggests that the Government command and control artisanal fisheries, to support the Water Resources Authority and adopt and develop the national action plan for sharks of the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
In Panama tip sharks are caught mainly black, blue, oceanic whitetip, bull, tiger, bigeye thresher shark and three species of hammerhead sharks, all of which have the characteristics that includes the "red list" of endangered marine species by the World Conservation Union (IUCN).
These features are related to slow sexual maturity and few young that we allow them to recover from overfishing, according MarViva, an NGO working in the conservation of marine resources.
Stresses in Panama, fishing is increasing every year and currently there are approximately 1,500 industrial and 13,062 artisanal fishermen.
This campaign, which began in Panama MarViva, was filed last November in Costa Rica and Colombia will also be launched in the month of June.
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