English researchers are studying whether it is viable fisheries in the fishing area of \u200b\u200bWalvis Bay (Namibia), and if so what techniques should be used for no damage sensitive ecosystems and vulnerable, explained to EFE in an interview José Luis Abellán, biologist English Institute of Oceanography (IEO) in the Canary Islands.
( Image: José Luis Abellán , a biologist at the English Institute of Oceanography, IEO en Canarias)
scientificcanaries addition of the English Institute of Oceanography have been involved, according to the biologist, researchers in the campaign, geologists and other technical centers in the IEO in Spain, and a team of geology at the General Secretariat of Maritime Fisheries (SGPM) and representatives of the Marine Research Centre of Namibia.
have been twelve in total technical and English scientists and seven of the Marine Research Institute of Namibia who have worked 24 hours a day to sample the rich fishing grounds of the Namibian fishing grounds and also conduct a study, from a multi-beam probe on the geomorphology of the seabed, he said.
The campaign was conducted in international waters of the North Atlantic, waters outside Namibia, almost opposite the dorsal Walvi, which in turn is a ridge marina, but the research has focused on a area is within the jurisdictional limits of the regional fisheries organization SEAFO.
The objectives of the campaign is considering whether certain seamounts that are in the area and have been closed to fishing can be reopened, "provided they do not affect the sensitive and vulnerable marine ecosystems, such as cold water corals and sponge fields, living in the area .
This, says the biologist, has conducted a systematic sampling of the seabed with multibeam probe and then samples were taken using the drag technique, though, she says, have been short hauls less than 30 minutes to avoid damage to marine ecosystems.
were obtained 25 samples to be analyzed in early May, when it is scheduled to return ship of the Secretariat General of Marine Fisheries "Vicomte de Eza", which carried out the campaign and now makes one in Mozambique.
addition, during the campaign in Namibia, remember Abellán, studies of hydrology that will complement those carried out to assess the impacts of certain fishing techniques may have on sensitive ecosystems and vulnerable.
bioconstructions the area are another area to examine, for which we have used the multi-beam probe, said the researcher, which will provide essential data for future campaigns to know what specific dredges are best suited for a more comprehensive study of marine species that inhabit them.
is difficult to know whether marine biodiversity has been lost in the area, said Abellán, although during the campaign has missed the presence of some species related to the contour as alfonsinos, red and some pompano pompano, for previous studies were known to exist in the area.
Still, says José Luis Abellán, in samples from some species have been identified as one of the objectives of the study will identify them.
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