Saturday, April 12, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Residents of the town of Salamanca Encinasola Commanders today have found that during the early morning, a tornado uprooted oaks twenty two farms belonging to the municipality, although it has not caused damage personal.
This has been explained to Efe the deputy mayor of the small village of 150 inhabitants, José Manuel Rodríguez, who has detailed the weather phenomenon is has occurred in an area known as "Fuentesola" which is about 500 meters from the inhabited center, belonging to the region of Vitigudino, northwest of the province.
Some of the oaks, large have been broken into several pieces and neighbors have come, curious, check their status has been the area where you can see the trail left by the wind in a nearly one kilometer.
Encinasola Residents, mostly elderly, have expressed that during the morning Efe have felt "noise", although some thought that would be a plane and in other cases, trucks.
José Manuel Herrero and Sebastian Rodriguez, older villagers, recalled that "some 60 years ago" was unleashed in an area with similar meteorological phenomenon also started several oaks and that since then, the episode is remembered in town as "the cyclone."
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