( Image: Asco nuclear power station in Tarragona - Foto: El Mundo)
Juan Lopez de Uralde
April 10, 2008 .- We are in the midst of a crushing campaign of greenwashing of nuclear power plants in Spain. Nuclear operators, such as Endesa and Iberdrola, through its lobby, the Nuclear Forum, never stop crowing the advantages of nuclear power taking advantage of the emergency climate change. I guess it is also about the fact that the agenda of the party that wins the last general election in Spain provides phasing out nuclear power plants. Aspect, of course, that President Zapatero forgot to mention in the investiture debate.
In recent days, however, stunned the public attended the events surrounding the leak of radioactive substances from the Asco I nuclear plant in Tarragona. The story is summarized as follows: Last November during the recharging process plant pollution was one of the vents nuclear plant, nuclear power is supposed to clean it, but lo, then (29 November) a leak of radioactive substances through the vent, they do not detect until March.
not known the full extent of the leak, because although the Nuclear Safety Council (CSN) say they have collected 150 radioactive particles, while recognizing how far could not be reached them. What we know for sure is that the radioactivity has left the central enclosure.
With the usual characteristic of occult nuclear, was a civic organization, Greenpeace, which sounded the alarm about the existence of the leak. Only then will the CSN reported on it. The situation is Kafkaesque. Municipalities in the area heard by the press, and the direction of nuclear maintained even visit a school to their facilities, despite having knowledge of the leak.
These are the broad outlines of a story that will surely bring a lot of glue in the coming weeks and months. Once again we have witnessed a string of neglect of the nuclear industry and the lack of effectiveness of the agencies control that highlight the risks associated with nuclear energy.
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