- The Carlos de Hita recordings can be heard from April 11
- The first delivery to readers about the natural environment of forest Valsaín
(Video: Zoe Rodriguez)
MADRID .- Carlos de Hita out to the field equipped with a sophisticated sound system by backpack and a microphone the size of a paella pan in hand, and yet go unnoticed when you walk through the woods. Only in this way is capable of surprising the songs of the most elusive bird calls or jealousy of mammals.
And precisely that is what elmundo.es new section opens on 11 April as an extension of herbal supplements on the Internet. Each week the sound specialist Carlos de Hita publish a new podcast "with recordings made in the natural environment.
The rumor of a river, the rustle of wind in the branches of trees, bird songs or shearing of livestock make up the universe sound that captures expert in their work. The new section, The Sound of Nature, every Friday will bring natural developments to readers.

( Image: sound specialist Carlos de Hita, during recording - Photo: Carlos de Hita)
As an expert, Carlos de Hita has provided the sound atmosphere to tens of nature documentaries made in Spain. Already in the 80 took this responsibility to the team filming the series "Broken Silence" directed by Joaquín Araújo.
As can be seen in the video that accompanies this text, while recording technique is essential, but are sensitivity and knowledge essential to know what you want to look for and where to find it.
The specialist knows the song of a bird is different on a rainy day one sunny. Up to a snowy forest, says de Hita, "it sounds different." This is a purely physical reality but also has a poetic quality, to Pedro Cáceres.
However, to appreciate the subtle differences referred Carlos de Hita is not enough to explain in words. It is best to go every Friday from April 11 to the website of the Science section elmundo.es and listen that bit of nature that brings sound correspondent every week from anywhere in the natural world.
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