Video Presentation
Sunday, April 13, 2008
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Saturday, April 12, 2008
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A video of the Greenpeace delegation of U.S. shows what the fate of the pole as famous people, such as bears, when the melting end due.
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Canadian Fisheries Minister Loyola Hearn, today defended the detention of the vessel "Farley Mowat" defense organization animal rights and Sea Shepherd said that the authorities acted "before someone was killed."
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. The Catalan researcher, who traveled to Africa after the Civil War
. Found the smallest frog in the world and worked with Diane Fossey
MADRID .- "I was 17, was the eldest son of a family ruined by the Civil War and went to work in the colonies with a cousin of my father, an island of Fernando Poo [ Equatorial Guinea]. But I liked the idea ...». That was how the Catalan primatologist Jordi Sabater i Pi, now aged 86, arrived to Africa, found his calling and became a pioneer in its field in Spain and world-renowned scientist.

( Image: Jordi Sabater i Pi, in the center, during their stay on the island of Fernando Poo - Photo: Jordi Sabater i Pi)
"These people know what I did. What of 'Snowflake' was a story, but the important thing is that I discovered that chimpanzees and gorillas use tools make beds and I found the world's largest frog or bird locating honeycombs in the jungle. But that is not spoken, "he complains, rightly, in a telephone statement to this newspaper.
And the truth is that there is much to tell about his eventful life, summed up in barely six panels. They can see many of their amazing animal drawings, documents and personal letters and many photos of the 30 years he spent in the Guinean forest and traveling the continent.
The exhibition is completed with a cabinet in which half a dozen sets of clubs that made the chimpanzees in the mountains of Okorobikó to catch termites. "They end up in a sort of broom, which are crushing the stick to fish for termites.
To me, the most important work I've done, "says ethologist from home. That work was published in the journal Nature in 1969, a landmark for English science.
Video and conferences
Alfonso Parr, curator of the exhibition, which has received recognition with more than enough material. "Sabater Pi i keeps it all and has also been an extraordinary artist, so there are a lot of interesting material. In addition, you can watch a video and on 22 there will be two conferences, one of the protagonist and other Marina Mosquera, "said the commissioner.
This exhibition has been produced by the Catalan Institute of Human Paleontology and Social Evolution (IPHES) and Turkana Films, and can be visited at the weekend of April in Calella.

( Image: Jordi Sabater i Pi, with his drawings)
Hundreds of drawings illustrate some ancient customs that the young Catalan knew it would eventually disappear. "For me it has been basic drawing, because drawing you have to look in detail and if you look you know and if you meet estimates, and if it considers protected," said one of its texts.
After the interruption of the military, in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere he met his wife, returns to Guinea, now to work on a cocoa plantation in the jungle. His first contact with research comes through subscription to the journal of ethnology Congolese 'Brousse'. There
James Chapin, curator of birds at the National Museum of Natural History in New York, requested information on the bird indicator of the honey guide the Indians to the panels.
Sabater finds it and sends the drawings. Chapin then encouraged to study the gorillas from the coast, opening the way then continue to Diane Fossey in the Virunga mountains, with whom he shared many hours of work.
In 1958, the Barcelona Zoo hires him as a conservative research center in the colony in Bata, starting a full year of expeditions, research and papers published in prestigious journals. Ten years later, on 7 February, a female is making a stick. Unusual, but true. The finding goes around the world.
had appeared before in his life 'Snowflake', battered by a farmer led to his workplace, but it was more important for finding a frog who weighed four kilos.
Territories to explore
In 1969, independence, Sabater leave Equatorial Guinea, but then again many times to keep working. "I miss those years, but now I am old," he says. "It gives me satisfaction to think that I was the first to study chimpanzees, bonobos and gorillas. Now we have to fight to protect it in 50 years that will not be calculated.
Lest we forget, reminds us that "primate tell us much of our own way of being" and that "we must devote more human to observe" other beings to know better.
Sabater i Pi When he returned to Spain after the independence of Guinea, began to study and 54 years achieved a degree in Psychology.
then work with 'National Geographic' had reported a high prestige and international recognition. Doctorate and later created the first chair of ethology, the science that studies the behavior of animals in Spain. "Now there is in many universities in the country and attracts large interest, but does not give money, "says the investigator, retired.
Sabater Pi i said that" Africa is still little known, there are areas of lakes and marshes that remain to be explored "and encourages young people to pursue their steps.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
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The Segura basin (CHS) will build a "special step" for otters in the MU-520 road, in the environment of the dam of Ojós at Blanca (Murcia), to prevent the abuse of individuals of this species in danger of extinction.
( Image: )
CHS fonts EFE reported today that the said highway, near the site of the dam of Segura River Ojós is a "black spot" for otters as well as other protected species such as birds, amphibians, reptiles and mammals.
The otter, which has been detected recently in the middle of the river Segura, is a different mustelid protected by international law and national ranking. Collection appears in the status of "endangered" in the Catalogue of threatened species of wildlife, hunting and river fishing in the Region of Murcia.
With this measure, the CHS seeks to promote the maintenance of the species she is again on the river Segura. The dam of eyes this area is located at the Site of Community Importance (SCI) "Sierra de Ricote" The Navel "and the Special Protection Area (SPA)" Sierra de Ricote - The Navel ", which according to Law 42/2007 of December 13 Natural Heritage Biodiversity, are considered protected natural areas.
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English researchers are studying whether it is viable fisheries in the fishing area of \u200b\u200bWalvis Bay (Namibia), and if so what techniques should be used for no damage sensitive ecosystems and vulnerable, explained to EFE in an interview José Luis Abellán, biologist English Institute of Oceanography (IEO) in the Canary Islands.
( Image: José Luis Abellán , a biologist at the English Institute of Oceanography, IEO en Canarias)
scientificcanaries addition of the English Institute of Oceanography have been involved, according to the biologist, researchers in the campaign, geologists and other technical centers in the IEO in Spain, and a team of geology at the General Secretariat of Maritime Fisheries (SGPM) and representatives of the Marine Research Centre of Namibia.
have been twelve in total technical and English scientists and seven of the Marine Research Institute of Namibia who have worked 24 hours a day to sample the rich fishing grounds of the Namibian fishing grounds and also conduct a study, from a multi-beam probe on the geomorphology of the seabed, he said.
The campaign was conducted in international waters of the North Atlantic, waters outside Namibia, almost opposite the dorsal Walvi, which in turn is a ridge marina, but the research has focused on a area is within the jurisdictional limits of the regional fisheries organization SEAFO.
The objectives of the campaign is considering whether certain seamounts that are in the area and have been closed to fishing can be reopened, "provided they do not affect the sensitive and vulnerable marine ecosystems, such as cold water corals and sponge fields, living in the area .
This, says the biologist, has conducted a systematic sampling of the seabed with multibeam probe and then samples were taken using the drag technique, though, she says, have been short hauls less than 30 minutes to avoid damage to marine ecosystems.
were obtained 25 samples to be analyzed in early May, when it is scheduled to return ship of the Secretariat General of Marine Fisheries "Vicomte de Eza", which carried out the campaign and now makes one in Mozambique.
addition, during the campaign in Namibia, remember Abellán, studies of hydrology that will complement those carried out to assess the impacts of certain fishing techniques may have on sensitive ecosystems and vulnerable.
bioconstructions the area are another area to examine, for which we have used the multi-beam probe, said the researcher, which will provide essential data for future campaigns to know what specific dredges are best suited for a more comprehensive study of marine species that inhabit them.
is difficult to know whether marine biodiversity has been lost in the area, said Abellán, although during the campaign has missed the presence of some species related to the contour as alfonsinos, red and some pompano pompano, for previous studies were known to exist in the area.
Still, says José Luis Abellán, in samples from some species have been identified as one of the objectives of the study will identify them.
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In the center of the debates will be the plans of the European Union (EU), chaired by Slovenia this semester, to increase between now 2020 the percentage of bio-fuels to 10 percent.
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Friday, April 11, 2008
A campaign for shark conservation was presented Today in Panama MarViva, with calls for government authorities to act against "irresponsible fishing practices" contrary to this marine species.
( Image: Agencia EFE)
campaign with the slogan "I saved a shark" , will last two months that will be collected 100,000 signatures to include in a letter to be delivered to the President Panama, Martín Torrijos, told reporters the executive director of MarViva, Gabriela Etchelecu.
The letter to Torrijos will have eleven recommendations for protecting marine resources, promote their sustainable use and responsible and help the preservation of sharks.
also suggests that the Government command and control artisanal fisheries, to support the Water Resources Authority and adopt and develop the national action plan for sharks of the Organization of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
In Panama tip sharks are caught mainly black, blue, oceanic whitetip, bull, tiger, bigeye thresher shark and three species of hammerhead sharks, all of which have the characteristics that includes the "red list" of endangered marine species by the World Conservation Union (IUCN).
These features are related to slow sexual maturity and few young that we allow them to recover from overfishing, according MarViva, an NGO working in the conservation of marine resources.
Stresses in Panama, fishing is increasing every year and currently there are approximately 1,500 industrial and 13,062 artisanal fishermen.
This campaign, which began in Panama MarViva, was filed last November in Costa Rica and Colombia will also be launched in the month of June.
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(Periden Digital) .- A 50-year-old Dutch national, was arrested for displaying payment several wildlife birds such as parrots, vultures and owls, and then ignore their care to the point of causing death by starvation .
According to Guardia Civil, RCHL was arrested last Monday after learning that he had several raptors and parrots at a campsite near Guardamar del Segura, and that was dedicated to showing them to change money.
The officers found that the Dutch left the care of animals, some of whom died from starvation and others came to devour each other for lack of food.
At the time of his detention he was involved two owls (and otrobengalensis sibiricus), an African vulture and five species of small parrot (Agapornis), which have been transferred to the recovery center of Santa Faz.
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- The beetles bury the fruits of cork oaks
- The acorns are used as food and shelter in winter
( Image: A beetle of the species 'Thorectes lusitanicus' eating an acorn - Photo: CSIC)
MADRID .- A team of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) in collaboration with the University of Alicante, was discovered in the Natural Park of the Acorns in Cadiz first species of beetle could drag, eating and burying acorns from different Quercus species such as oaks, oaks.
Once buried, the beetles of the species 'Thorectes lusitanicus' begin to eat the acorns and sometimes take refuge in them during the winter. This behavior is unprecedented in a kind of habits dung facilitates the survival and germination of seeds and their protection against predators such as birds and rodents.
burial and germination
Because the beetles start consuming the far side of the embryo and acorns are not consumed at all, many seeds can generate new plants. "We still need to calculate what percentage of buried acorns are capable of generating new plants, and to know whether the variation in the rate of burial and germination depends on the composition of the vegetation and the presence of vertebrate herbivores," says Jorge Lobo, co-author .
According to laboratory and field studies conducted, this species of beetle seems to prefer oak acorns compared to other species of Quercus. "The preference for the fruits of cork is even greater than that against other resources typically used by the species, such as cow dung and rabbit," says Wolf.
essential fatty acids
The preference of this species of beetle from acorns appear to be due to the high fruit content of essential fatty acids. "Use of acorns in late autumn and winter is probably related to hibernation, the ovarian production and development of the species. Individuals fed on acorns showed higher activity rates, better and more developed eggs and greater resistance to cold, "the researchers explain.
Gender 'Thorectes' has 43 known species of beetles, of which 20 are in Ibero-Balearic territory, and 18 are endemic. These species are apterous (wingless), with a low dispersal ability, which explains the high number of species present in the Peninsula and vulnerability.
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Valsaín Forest
You can listen to the first delivery of the new section of sounds of nature, forest birds inhabiting Valsaín the pine forests.
( Image: sound specialist Carlos de Hita, during a recording - Photo - Carlos de Hita)
Related article: The sound of nature
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Friday, April 11, 2008
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04/11/1908 - (Periden Digital / EFE) .-
Increased ocean temperatures, pollution and overfishing has endangered marine life and fishing , as has been asserted by the experts participating in the Conference Global Ocean, Coasts and Islands held in Hanoi (Vietnam).
As reported during the conference Hanoi, these three problems are common in marine ecosystems of 64 specialists who have studied and are the main reasons that 75% of fish stocks gone.
Rapid heating
The report notes that in 16 of the 64 sea areas studied "the accelerated warming is two to four times higher than the average that established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 2007. "
is in the seas of the Baltic and South China, especially in its northern waters that lap the coast of China and the Korean peninsula, where there has been a further increase in temperature during the last quarter century, according to that report.
During the conference, which ended today after four days of sessions, the experts focused on identifying measures to mitigate the risks to marine ecosystems.
Asia needs biological rest
recommended especially to countries in Asia, whose sea is captured over 70% of world production fish, to follow the example of other developed nations imposed closed seasons each year for some marine species.
During the last decade, conflicts between Asian fishing fleets have increased in number and intensity due to the decline of fish stocks.
Too many boats to catch fewer fish and catch them venture often beyond the maritime boundary, is a global problem that is worse in Asia, home to six of the nations of the world's most dependence on fishing, a livelihood for a hundred million people, most of them LDCs developed.
While modernizing the Asian fishing fleets, particularly those of China, Japan and South Korea, also grow to meet the increased demand for fish. The United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) estimates that demand for fish in the Chinese market will grow to 2030 by 84% and 60% in the countries of South Asia.
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"The goal is to see which genes express induce plants to drought compared to control and once identified, will be whether they express the same in adult trees, "says Alvaro Soto, of the UPM. Resinero pine was chosen because of their adaptation to different soils, temperatures and precipitation. A suitable species to analyze drought, one of the first consequences of climate change. Also check whether these genes act in the central and northern regions of Spain. The project is part of the Red EVOLTREE, which comprises 25 research groups from 15 European countries and analyzes the impact of climate change, in addition to studying the evolution of trees.
Another species suffering from water stress is the oak. Investigations have concluded that UPM Pyrenean oak (Quercus petraea) is able to put up with the lack of water and light the white oak (Quercus robur). "In shady conditions associated with water scarcity, for example with a very dense canopy, the Pyrenean hold better competition to grow," says Soto. To analyze the light that reaches all areas of oaks and study the availability of light, the researchers installed a tower of 20 meters in the oak forest in the northeast of Madrid.
The Montejo Beech Forest is in good health
Brezos, oak, birch, rowan and, of course, you. The Beech Montejo, on the border between Madrid and Guadalajara, is one of the southern beech forests of the Peninsula. The growth of these trees is possible thanks to the microclimate created by the winds of moist air that condenses on the sides and still clean over river Jarama.
Research over the past 15 years by the Department of Genetics, School of Forestry (UPM) have concluded that you have expanded, as there has been no shortage of water. Beech is a very aggressive species, explains Alvaro Soto, of the UPM, eliminate competition having its leaves horizontally to capture the maximum amount of light possible and not not a ray passes, making it difficult to grow beneath its branches other species.