Thursday, March 24, 2011

Poptropica Cheats Money Maker

Thursday 24 March 2011Nuevas dates for FC LIVE TOUR11 "CONCEPT EIGHT TWO NIGHTS ABYSS / LUCY"

Yokohama BLITZ:
passes * 03/15 * 05/23 → [Abyss]
passes * 03/16 * 05/24 → [Lucy]

● Zepp Osaka:
03/22 * passes * → 05/10 [Abyss]
passes * 03/23 * 05/11 → [Lucy]

● Zepp Nagoya:
passes * 03/28 * 05/31 → [Abyss]
03/29 * passes * → 06/01 [Lucy]

OPEN 17:30 / START 18:30 (JP)

Credits: the GazettE OHP + @ theGazettE_PY + Nameless Liberty Six Bullet

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Whats The Best Way To Get Rid Of A Stiff Neck

Event PRO JAPAN Japanese Association

what is happening in Japan a country that always provided support, this time we ask your help and cooperation in assisting the pro-Japanese CONCERT whose only fundraising cause, that is all that is being accepted as sending food is very complex, we expect can help to attend and we do it without any intention of using.

The event will take place on Sunday 27 March at 12 noon in the direction JAPAN MEXICO ASSOCIATION in:

"Fujiyama Street # 144 Col. Las Aguilas Mexico City a few blocks from the metro Barranca of the Dead "

order to have separate access to 12 noon, is being asked as cooperation from $ 30 pesos below what everyone likes to cooperate on the event day

Nike R9 Vapour Online Order

Mexico launch was postponed TOKYO DOME LIVE DVD & "TRACES BEST OF 2005-2009 "

Well, I think it all saven it was expected that

LIVE Launch of DVD "NAMELESS LIBERTY AT THE TOKYO DOME 12/10/1926" & "TRACES BEST OF 2005-2009" release postponed postponement.
here I leave the note n_n

On Tuesday 15th March 2011 @ N_Liberty said:

OHP UPDATE: 【2011/3/15

LIVE DVD "THE NAMELESS LIBERTY AT 12/10/1926 TOKYO DOME」&「TRACES BEST OF 2005-2009」 release postponement】

We send our sincerest regards to everybody who suffered damage done by the earthquake in Tohoku region.

After consideration, the release of LIVE DVD「THE NAMELESS LIBERTY AT 10.12.26 TOKYO DOME」(SRBL-1472〜74、SRBL-1475〜76)on March 23rd is decided to be postponed.

Further counter-measures will be discussed by concerned parties. Details will be announced once the discussions have ended.

To everyone looking forward to the release of the DVD, we give our humble apology and we hope for your understanding.

Also, the BEST ALBUM "BEST OF 2005-2009 TRACES" Will be released on the Same day.

We wish for the speedy recovery of the Areas Affected by the earthquake. Sony Music Records



FOR THOSE WHO ARE reposting USING THEIR PHONES ~ _________________-

Translation: We send our

warmest regards to all those who suffered damage from the earthquake in the Tohoku region.
After examination, the Live DVD release of "The Nameless LIBERTY 12.10.1926 TOKYO DOME (SRBL-1472 〜 74, SRBL-1475 〜 76) on March 23 decided to postpone.
addition countermeasures will be discussed by interested parties. Details will be announced once the debates are over.
For all those looking forward to the DVD release, we give our humble apologies and hope you understand.
addition, the best album "BEST TRACKS 2005-2009" will be released the same day.
wish the speedy recovery of areas affected by the earthquake. Sony Music Records


Friday, March 18, 2011

How Many Resets You Need To Get A Lgendary Shiny

Councils Ruki * Translation

Well .... The pequegro Great vocalist shows his concern of a somewhat peculiar ... These were de las imagenes que subio a su Pagina Official.

En estos momentos es necesario aprovechar al maximo los recursos con los que se cuentas alla en japon.

Cm Like Snot After Conception

recent tweets and retweet

Informacion un poco vieja pero bueno ~ * ~ *
• Aoi: Let others think about what to do before I bite a matter of candles. Even though the fire for so closely with the earthquake [a] should be fine from there just like me. The affected areas near the gas pipe would still do find it. Gas can not stop even when I'm trapped in piping consider. It might be that this situation is harder. Please.
•Aoi: Esto se relaciona con las velas y esas cosas, así que antes de que me presionéis por favor, pensad en que más podeis hacer. Esto está estrechamente relacionado con el terremoto y los incendios. No hay nada como "Si sólo hago esto va a estar bien" y cosas por el estilo. Todavía no sabemos nada acerca de las condiciones de las tuberías de gas en las zonas afectadas. Incluso si se ha dejado el gas todavía puede recoger dentro de las tuberías, pensar en eso. Además, si esto suena contundente, probablemente, esta es la situación actual. Os lo ruego.

•Aoi: 何か他に『火を使わず明かりを得る方法』と『火を使わずに暖を取る方法』は無いものか…。
• Aoi: No hay nada más que "Métodos sobre cómo obtener luz sin el uso dle fuego" y "Métodos sobre cómo mantener el calor sin necesidad de utilizar el fuego" ....

• ReTweet de Aoi: outbound Twitter How to view medical information together that is. If you use Google Realtime twitter if you use the search
• ReTweet de Aoi: Métodos sobre cómo tratar de recopilar información sobre la conexión de la atención médica que se ha publicado en Twitter. Si utilizas Google en tiempo real: Si usted está utilizando esta referencia:

• ReTweet de Aoi: How's shelters together information that is sent on Twitter. If you use Google Realtime twitter if you use the search
• ReTweet de Aoi: Métodos sobre cómo tratar de recopilar información sobre la conexión de la atención médica que se ha publicado en Twitter. Si utilizas Google en tiempo real: Si utilizas un buscador de Twitter:

• Aoi: Well, I'm wearing clothes from a good home. The problem is there is no other way [I'm] people. Cuddle with your neighbor after all, what is the best ... Dadatsu広Kunai space.
• Aoi: Bueno, porque estoy en casa y uso ropa estoy bien. El problema es la gente que dice "no hay otros métodos". Sin duda lo mejor es estar cerca de otras personas y permanecer en espacios pequeños.

• Aoi : Yes. Old muffler is a place worth of warm clothing and heard. But what should I have something to wrap anything.
• Aoi: Eso es correcto. Una vez escuché que si doblas la bufanda es cálida. Es bueno si usted tiene algo para envolver su alrededor ...

• Aoi: Some proposals like this. Thanks for the information. 1. Creating a layer of air around the body (between the clothes and clothes into a newspaper, including air and easy to wear sweater cape underneath clothing or plastic sheeting and garbage bags windtight) 2. Devised to avoid exposing the ears and skin head or face towel or something. Especially neck and back, and is
• Aoi: Hay otro método. Gracias por la información. 1. Hacer capas de aire alrededor de su cuerpo (Poner periódicos en la ropa y en los intervalos de su ropa, ponerse ropa que no deje que el viento pase y hojas de vinilo, y bolsas de basura y en virtud de que los suéteres y cosas que sean fáciles para contener aire.) 2. Cúbrase las orejas, cabeza, cara, etc, con toallas y similares, de modo que no se expone la piel. Sobre todo cuide de su cuello y la espalda [significa esto: si usted está usando varias capas de ropa, habrá aire entre medio de las capas y esto crea calor!]

• Aoi: Thanks also. ↓ efficient as body warmth is likely to take quite a warm scarf or cloth to wrap the ankle in mind ② ③ stomach neck ①.
• Aoi: Una vez más, Gracias. ↓ Para mantener de manera eficiente su envoltura corporal de calor ① en el cuello ② en el estómago ③ en los tobillos, con bufandas, ropas, etc para mantener el calor.

• ReTweet de Aoi: Clothing I can make a substitute for sanitary napkins and towels and duct tape on sleeves. To help guide you in your lack of shelter. I appreciate the information. → 生理 用 ナプキン - Feminine Hygiene Napkin - OLIVE
• ReTweet Aoi: It seems you can make substitutes for pillows with the fabric of the shirt and towels and gumtapes. This is in short supply before the evacuation. Information is appreciated. → pillows - towels, feminine hygiene - OLIVE

Source: @ Aoi_theGazettE
English translation: @ theGazettE_CH
English translation: @ GazettESpain

Monday, March 7, 2011

Fotos Do Blog Big Busts

Aoi the GazettE NEW LOOK [ABYYS / LUCY]

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Aka Letter Of Interest Letter

[Scans] Shoxx Vol 217 (2011-03) X-JAPAN

Credits theGazette Paraguay