Miley and David Bisbal: When I Look at you
Here is the official video of "When I look at you" with Micy feat. David Bisbal.
I liked a lot, really. Tell me what you think of you.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Hod Do Get My Ipod To Work
Escrache Weekly x2
MY GOD! I knew his face was ugly but not that bad!
by mundomiley
PD: Girls as the blog owner permanently retired, I (mundomiley) will try upload notes from time to time, but as I have little time I leave the NEW e-mail the blog where you can send your notes and I'll post.
The new e-mail is and is visible in the section contact us.
MY GOD! I knew his face was ugly but not that bad!

by mundomiley
PD: Girls as the blog owner permanently retired, I (mundomiley) will try upload notes from time to time, but as I have little time I leave the NEW e-mail the blog where you can send your notes and I'll post.
The new e-mail is and is visible in the section contact us.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Philishave 825 Opinions
Selena and Miley wants to be PERFECT
In one of his many songs Huequi-putelena says he wants to be perfect, but not only that, but the song is dedicated to nothing more and nothing less than the teen queen Miley Cyrus .
I leave a few excerpts from the song to verify it yourself,
In one of his many songs Huequi-putelena says he wants to be perfect, but not only that, but the song is dedicated to nothing more and nothing less than the teen queen Miley Cyrus .

I want to be perfect, but I'm
want to be flawless
I want to be perfect, as your
but it is much, That a girl can be.
In this first verse says clearly putelena want Micy be perfect as it is, but admits not being able to because nobody can be like Miley.
When I look in the mirror
makes a sense to me
My imperfections are what they are
obviously already looked in the mirror and noticed FEA it is Congratulations!
try to fit into the mold that you did
But I can not keep playing this charade.
Miley tries to mimic, replace it in Disney, filling the void that will leave Micy when fence, but realizes that it is IMPOCIBLE.
by mundomiley
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Quarterback Arm Wrestling
These days I take away from the blog were to reflect, to clear my mind.
As Gandhi once said: "Violence generates more violence." AMEN to that phrase. This is what happens with the antis, I insult to one and the others insult the other (FOR THE IGNORANT THAT IS CALLED VERBAL VIOLENCE)
And just today, when blogger did not know whether to leave or not, I read this letter:
"Why are so mean to Miley?
that question simply because I do not understand. There are people who hate her for silly reasons for everything I've read and heard the reasons are these:
1 - Because they take pictures in lingerie. I now say, I saw those photos were photos of her with just the shirt up. Is it ever used bikini? good when you use Show me much more than what the photos showed Miley, and no one criticized for it.
2 - Because they take a picture half naked for a magazine. First of all, the picture was not half naked, she was completely covered exept for the back. Tell me, really, is that wrong?
3 - Another excuse was because he went out with Nick, there are many comments that says "do not mess with my nick" nick is mine "etc. .. As far as I and many others know, they went out for almost 2 years and I believe that most met miley nick after that. And that nick is mine, not to approach him, is very ridiculous, sorry but it's true and you know, instead of being happy that their idol has a girlfriend and be happy, angry about it.
4 - Gives a bad example for young children. Look, as she once said she educates her fans, if parents think it's a bad example does not lead their children to their concerts and would not let them watch your program. And let me tell you that for me miley is the best example because someone might have happened by now horrible and yet still standing, and I admire her SO.
5 - singing and acting badly. If you do not like how she sings or acts, DO NOT SEE YOUR SERIES, NOT HEAR THEIR MUSIC, NOT SEE YOUR VIDEOS, it's that easy. And the truth is that if she did not sing or did not do well, it would have a very famous series with 4 seasons, I would not have their songs in Reverse as good as it would not win many awards.
6-He just wants attract attention. Look, anyone can call attention all you want, but do not have if they do not give obvious that fans are we going to pay attention to what he does, but also anti do, IN EACH NOTE IS A MILEY ANTI ALWAYS, that is to pay attention, and the more I make will have more attention and more will become interested in it the paparazzi.
7-is a bitch like his fans and his family That kind of comments, the truth is that they are horrible. I admit conosco your family and you either, but do you have a good reason to call and call us so? People criticize without knowing, criticize a girl of 10 years as his family lives under the cameras, they believe it should be easy!
8 - You will end up like Britney Spears. I tell you I love britney since I was little, always follow, she spent an awful lot, and know that I'm still your fan, that fan is to be good because, like I did with the girl being britney I now miley being a teenager, the support and that should make all who call themselves BEST FANS.
Because nobody is perfect, an error committed by anyone.
Many fans of miley ceased to be for their mistakes. And I ask you, if you commit a Erros do not you like to be forgiven? Imagine how he felt knowing he had lost miley fans for that.
Now, if someone has a good reason to hate let me know. On this note only pretend to understand how he sees the things a fan of Miley, it is obvious that everyone wants to defend his idol but you must understand that everyone has their likes and must be respected, if not like someone does not give importance and ready. And for all fans / antis of any artist, really, let's stop some fights because I do not think someone like that insult to his idol does it? I just hope that this last comment helps. "
" It's very immature and as public figure deveria care but what does "
That's ALL you have to say. Those who disagree with the letter say that.
Okay, you're famous, you live what you love ... but you walk all the time insulting crap doit être horrible.
One says "I resvala" if .. you from slipping when you insult 2 people ... 1,000,000 no!
I know that I am anti Selena and I did a blog and blabla whole story, but you know what? I'll leave the blog by one of my partners and I'm going to go there, HATE HATE ANYONE.
Tell me wimp, let me know what you want, but that's not going to make it stop love both Miley. I really felt like you felt it (and probably most of the antis blogs) because I kept receiving insults, not to Miley, most were to me.
You are stupid, because saying "I hate blabla" will not make the person ceases to exist, stop what you like or anything like that, it's more, anti-we-give more fame to the artists and the truth is stupid.
I'm staying with the twitter account because I met many interesting people and I'm sorry to leave.
I'll forever hate Selena, the truth that this time I had a blog I fully discharged.
turns 14 this year, and I think that I'm mature enough to drink these goodies.
From now on I'll give administrator rights and that she aga MUNDOMILEY what you want to blog, I really do not care the most.
And despite everything, you know what? Best wishes A SELENA YOUR FANS TO ANTI MILEY AND THE WORLD. Why not consider myself a spiteful person, and that's what I expect of you, forget everything, and this, SUPERENSE IN LIFE, you can not hate Miley for something that happened in 2007, were some pictures crazy, and was ! have to leave people be, to live and be happy!
emotion now XD:
Thank you all, really thank you for support, it is amazing what achievement the blog.
127 followers on twitter and 55 in blogger, it's amazing for a blog that came from nowhere.
And to my colleagues.
Anti-selena, Erika: I know you will regret it once and then I get carried away by hatred and leave the blog open. And just now I regret it.
Thanks for advertising me, for supporting me, and above all, for being my friend anti: D
MundoMiley: One of the first to be author of the blog. From the beginning you sent me your notes, always brings things to the blog, from the first minute. Today I leave the charges blog because I know I can trust in you. Thanks for everything.
I really feel terrible for inspiring more people to start their own blogs and expand anti hate it when it was not necessary.
understand, and for fans old and the newest: My intention was not to disappoint them, only that it grew, I started this blog when I was 12 years, and now that growth and I am more mature, I realize that all this was just a simpre error.
sorry I have hurt and angered so many fans of Selena, but understand, it was a bad time in my life and get downloaded to a person who simply did not like, because my hatred was not as large as appears. encerio, you not withstand a day in my life, I know what I mean.
Chau, and be happy.
These days I take away from the blog were to reflect, to clear my mind.
As Gandhi once said: "Violence generates more violence." AMEN to that phrase. This is what happens with the antis, I insult to one and the others insult the other (FOR THE IGNORANT THAT IS CALLED VERBAL VIOLENCE)
And just today, when blogger did not know whether to leave or not, I read this letter:
"Why are so mean to Miley?
that question simply because I do not understand. There are people who hate her for silly reasons for everything I've read and heard the reasons are these:
1 - Because they take pictures in lingerie. I now say, I saw those photos were photos of her with just the shirt up. Is it ever used bikini? good when you use Show me much more than what the photos showed Miley, and no one criticized for it.
2 - Because they take a picture half naked for a magazine. First of all, the picture was not half naked, she was completely covered exept for the back. Tell me, really, is that wrong?
3 - Another excuse was because he went out with Nick, there are many comments that says "do not mess with my nick" nick is mine "etc. .. As far as I and many others know, they went out for almost 2 years and I believe that most met miley nick after that. And that nick is mine, not to approach him, is very ridiculous, sorry but it's true and you know, instead of being happy that their idol has a girlfriend and be happy, angry about it.
4 - Gives a bad example for young children. Look, as she once said she educates her fans, if parents think it's a bad example does not lead their children to their concerts and would not let them watch your program. And let me tell you that for me miley is the best example because someone might have happened by now horrible and yet still standing, and I admire her SO.
5 - singing and acting badly. If you do not like how she sings or acts, DO NOT SEE YOUR SERIES, NOT HEAR THEIR MUSIC, NOT SEE YOUR VIDEOS, it's that easy. And the truth is that if she did not sing or did not do well, it would have a very famous series with 4 seasons, I would not have their songs in Reverse as good as it would not win many awards.
6-He just wants attract attention. Look, anyone can call attention all you want, but do not have if they do not give obvious that fans are we going to pay attention to what he does, but also anti do, IN EACH NOTE IS A MILEY ANTI ALWAYS, that is to pay attention, and the more I make will have more attention and more will become interested in it the paparazzi.
7-is a bitch like his fans and his family That kind of comments, the truth is that they are horrible. I admit conosco your family and you either, but do you have a good reason to call and call us so? People criticize without knowing, criticize a girl of 10 years as his family lives under the cameras, they believe it should be easy!
8 - You will end up like Britney Spears. I tell you I love britney since I was little, always follow, she spent an awful lot, and know that I'm still your fan, that fan is to be good because, like I did with the girl being britney I now miley being a teenager, the support and that should make all who call themselves BEST FANS.
Because nobody is perfect, an error committed by anyone.
Many fans of miley ceased to be for their mistakes. And I ask you, if you commit a Erros do not you like to be forgiven? Imagine how he felt knowing he had lost miley fans for that.
Now, if someone has a good reason to hate let me know. On this note only pretend to understand how he sees the things a fan of Miley, it is obvious that everyone wants to defend his idol but you must understand that everyone has their likes and must be respected, if not like someone does not give importance and ready. And for all fans / antis of any artist, really, let's stop some fights because I do not think someone like that insult to his idol does it? I just hope that this last comment helps. "
" It's very immature and as public figure deveria care but what does "
That's ALL you have to say. Those who disagree with the letter say that.
Okay, you're famous, you live what you love ... but you walk all the time insulting crap doit être horrible.
One says "I resvala" if .. you from slipping when you insult 2 people ... 1,000,000 no!
I know that I am anti Selena and I did a blog and blabla whole story, but you know what? I'll leave the blog by one of my partners and I'm going to go there, HATE HATE ANYONE.
Tell me wimp, let me know what you want, but that's not going to make it stop love both Miley. I really felt like you felt it (and probably most of the antis blogs) because I kept receiving insults, not to Miley, most were to me.
You are stupid, because saying "I hate blabla" will not make the person ceases to exist, stop what you like or anything like that, it's more, anti-we-give more fame to the artists and the truth is stupid.
I'm staying with the twitter account because I met many interesting people and I'm sorry to leave.
I'll forever hate Selena, the truth that this time I had a blog I fully discharged.
turns 14 this year, and I think that I'm mature enough to drink these goodies.
From now on I'll give administrator rights and that she aga MUNDOMILEY what you want to blog, I really do not care the most.
And despite everything, you know what? Best wishes A SELENA YOUR FANS TO ANTI MILEY AND THE WORLD. Why not consider myself a spiteful person, and that's what I expect of you, forget everything, and this, SUPERENSE IN LIFE, you can not hate Miley for something that happened in 2007, were some pictures crazy, and was ! have to leave people be, to live and be happy!
emotion now XD:
Thank you all, really thank you for support, it is amazing what achievement the blog.
127 followers on twitter and 55 in blogger, it's amazing for a blog that came from nowhere.
And to my colleagues.
Anti-selena, Erika: I know you will regret it once and then I get carried away by hatred and leave the blog open. And just now I regret it.
Thanks for advertising me, for supporting me, and above all, for being my friend anti: D
MundoMiley: One of the first to be author of the blog. From the beginning you sent me your notes, always brings things to the blog, from the first minute. Today I leave the charges blog because I know I can trust in you. Thanks for everything.
I really feel terrible for inspiring more people to start their own blogs and expand anti hate it when it was not necessary.
understand, and for fans old and the newest: My intention was not to disappoint them, only that it grew, I started this blog when I was 12 years, and now that growth and I am more mature, I realize that all this was just a simpre error.
sorry I have hurt and angered so many fans of Selena, but understand, it was a bad time in my life and get downloaded to a person who simply did not like, because my hatred was not as large as appears. encerio, you not withstand a day in my life, I know what I mean.
Chau, and be happy.
What Is In Skoal Tobacco
how about this?
As you said my colleague, the blog Miley Selena Anti goddess, ALL ever took photos in bikini or showing a little cleavage.
Here we have the talented Demi Lovato posing sexy, what many would call anti-miley "posing as a whore."
Something that has nothing to do: that's not the Iphone Joe Jonas?? say .. judging by the style of Demi was in the recordings of Camp Rock or a little after them, and I know Demi Lovato never had an Iphone . You a LiveChat they had in 2007 (recorded miestras camp rock) Joe got a song with the phone and actually was a silver Iphone ... This leaves a lot to think about eh

As you said my colleague, the blog Miley Selena Anti goddess, ALL ever took photos in bikini or showing a little cleavage.
Here we have the talented Demi Lovato posing sexy, what many would call anti-miley "posing as a whore."
Something that has nothing to do: that's not the Iphone Joe Jonas?? say .. judging by the style of Demi was in the recordings of Camp Rock or a little after them, and I know Demi Lovato never had an Iphone . You a LiveChat they had in 2007 (recorded miestras camp rock) Joe got a song with the phone and actually was a silver Iphone ... This leaves a lot to think about eh
Sonicare Vs Oral B 2010
While the DVD of "Hannah Montana: The Movie" has sold over 3,000,000 units , "Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie "and" Princess Protection Program "has sold fewer than 300,000 units, with Disney's DVD sales lowest in history. (UU HIGH KICK IN THE GAVE YOU MILEY SELENA ass!)
- DVD "Hannah Montana: The Movie" 3,423,856 copies!
- DVD "Camp Rock": 969,442 units!
- DVD "Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie": 289,111 units. (A COMERLAAA)
- DVD "Princess Protection Program": 193,036 units.
"Hannah Montana: The Movie" is Disney's best-selling in history. (hahaha PUTIFANS IN YOUR FACE!)
Miley Cyrus breaks record at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. " It also "beats" his friends from Disney and the Fox Gomez, Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato. Just as Justin Bieber.
Top 20 Performances Assistance Record:
position / date / performer (s) /
1 March 14, 2010: Heavy and El Trono De Mexico = 74.222 attendees.
3 March 9, 2008: Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus = 73,459 attendees.
4th March 4, 2007: Miley Cyrus / HM / The Cheetah Girls = 73,291 ASTs.
8th March 21, 2010: Selena Gomez & Justin Bieber = 72 883 asists. (Where Bieber said that selena and broke the attendance record?)
10th March 6, 2005: Hilary Duff = 72,843 attendees.
12th March 20, 2009: Taylor Swift = 72,658 attendees.
13th March 8, 2009: Jonas Brothers = 72,475 attendees. 19th
March 7, 2010: Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato = 72,013 asists. HIGH
--------------------------------- I'll be back sooner than thought, and solve the "problem" and I can re a blogger now, so to hate SELENA:)

While the DVD of "Hannah Montana: The Movie" has sold over 3,000,000 units , "Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie "and" Princess Protection Program "has sold fewer than 300,000 units, with Disney's DVD sales lowest in history. (UU HIGH KICK IN THE GAVE YOU MILEY SELENA ass!)
- DVD "Hannah Montana: The Movie" 3,423,856 copies!
- DVD "Camp Rock": 969,442 units!
- DVD "Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie": 289,111 units. (A COMERLAAA)
- DVD "Princess Protection Program": 193,036 units.
"Hannah Montana: The Movie" is Disney's best-selling in history. (hahaha PUTIFANS IN YOUR FACE!)
Miley Cyrus breaks record at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. " It also "beats" his friends from Disney and the Fox Gomez, Jonas Brothers, Demi Lovato. Just as Justin Bieber.
Top 20 Performances Assistance Record:
position / date / performer (s) /
1 March 14, 2010: Heavy and El Trono De Mexico = 74.222 attendees.
3 March 9, 2008: Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus = 73,459 attendees.
4th March 4, 2007: Miley Cyrus / HM / The Cheetah Girls = 73,291 ASTs.
8th March 21, 2010: Selena Gomez & Justin Bieber = 72 883 asists. (Where Bieber said that selena and broke the attendance record?)
10th March 6, 2005: Hilary Duff = 72,843 attendees.
12th March 20, 2009: Taylor Swift = 72,658 attendees.
13th March 8, 2009: Jonas Brothers = 72,475 attendees. 19th
March 7, 2010: Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato = 72,013 asists. HIGH
--------------------------------- I'll be back sooner than thought, and solve the "problem" and I can re a blogger now, so to hate SELENA:)
Monday, March 22, 2010
Problem With Poptropica
withdrawal blogger ... temporarily! (Charter of the owner of the blog)
Well .. this is not a goodbye, a goodbye.
Actually I'm getting a little tired of all this ... so here I am going to take 2 weeks off, surely the other girls of the blog will continue to publish some things ... but I (the owner) I'll keep 'offline' time. Also
I'll keep on twitter, I'm not at all, only anti-selena things are going to stop a while. Please if encerio like the blog banque I ask them these days, this is about something personal, and I have to take time for everything.
Thanks to the 52 followers for their support and all they do for us, without you this blog would not go up:) bye
people and thanks for everything:)
--- -------------------------------------------------- -----
The only thing I'll ask is that you stop stupid crazy. If I said that my school is demanding is because it is, what happens (IF BY IGNORANT did not notice) is just starting CLASSES, I mean, I still did not give me all times of the workshops and still not start new topics, so I have time to hate Selena:)
Hahaha crazy comes along and says: "As your country is in decline," lol and you are? Cuba? bold stupid, you think I care? complain to the president and not me asshole.
Another that appeared over here was that of anti-miley blog that tells me from his blog. What happens mommy, so desperate these for me set the shit you post? NANA, equivocadicima me you came. He says "I have 72 followers on twitter blogger and 28" SUCK ME KNOW WHAT? I HAVE 52 IN 113 IN TWITTER BLOGGER AND CRAZY ... Y? ANTI-SELENA HAS A BLOGGER AND 100 SUPPORTERS IN NOSE HOW TO TWITTER! As I said a million times: I DO NOT WANT THE NUMBER OF FANS THAT I HAVE! What matters is that people laugh!
Apart crazy, let yourself messing around and fixing PUBLIC INPUT WHO, FOR SOMETHING THAT SAYS NO? There are 4 or 5 colavoradoras on the blog, one is Mundomiley other is counter-selena Erika, I am not alone! So do not come and tell me that my posts are micron because I'm not the only one responsible, I try to be as realistic as possible.
Now if, without giving more laps I leave, they are only 1 or 2 weeks ... not much time: D
Well .. this is not a goodbye, a goodbye.
Actually I'm getting a little tired of all this ... so here I am going to take 2 weeks off, surely the other girls of the blog will continue to publish some things ... but I (the owner) I'll keep 'offline' time. Also
I'll keep on twitter, I'm not at all, only anti-selena things are going to stop a while. Please if encerio like the blog banque I ask them these days, this is about something personal, and I have to take time for everything.
Thanks to the 52 followers for their support and all they do for us, without you this blog would not go up:) bye
people and thanks for everything:)
--- -------------------------------------------------- -----
The only thing I'll ask is that you stop stupid crazy. If I said that my school is demanding is because it is, what happens (IF BY IGNORANT did not notice) is just starting CLASSES, I mean, I still did not give me all times of the workshops and still not start new topics, so I have time to hate Selena:)
Hahaha crazy comes along and says: "As your country is in decline," lol and you are? Cuba? bold stupid, you think I care? complain to the president and not me asshole.
Another that appeared over here was that of anti-miley blog that tells me from his blog. What happens mommy, so desperate these for me set the shit you post? NANA, equivocadicima me you came. He says "I have 72 followers on twitter blogger and 28" SUCK ME KNOW WHAT? I HAVE 52 IN 113 IN TWITTER BLOGGER AND CRAZY ... Y? ANTI-SELENA HAS A BLOGGER AND 100 SUPPORTERS IN NOSE HOW TO TWITTER! As I said a million times: I DO NOT WANT THE NUMBER OF FANS THAT I HAVE! What matters is that people laugh!
Apart crazy, let yourself messing around and fixing PUBLIC INPUT WHO, FOR SOMETHING THAT SAYS NO? There are 4 or 5 colavoradoras on the blog, one is Mundomiley other is counter-selena Erika, I am not alone! So do not come and tell me that my posts are micron because I'm not the only one responsible, I try to be as realistic as possible.
Now if, without giving more laps I leave, they are only 1 or 2 weeks ... not much time: D
Radioshack Electronic Learning Lab
Selena sold 2,000 .... 23,000 MILEY! Who Wears

tweeted this the other day. I was struck by the large difference in numbers and inform me more. This was what I found:
"Miley Ray Cyrus has added an extra date, December 29 at the O2 Arena in London with 23,000 capacity to meet demand after selling all their tickets Tour 2009 in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The new show will be the fifth concert tour of Miley in London.
Concerts for 13, 14, 19 and December 20 were completely sold, as well as shows at the O2 Arena in Dublin for 16 and December 17, LG Arena in Birmingham on 22 December and 23 December and the MEN Arena in Manchester ( 27 and 28 December). The Tickets for the date added to London go on sale Oct. 30.
Meanwhile superstar Miley Cyrus Hollywood Records had his first No. 1 on the Top 40 radio with their "Party in the USA ' Thursday October 26, according to Billboard charts. The song was played about 11,000 times, beating Beyonce competitive issues, Lada GaGa and Kelly Clarkson.
Sales of Miley tickets to the Tour in 2009 by the UK out weeks in advance, is the first time that has been made by a female artist who travels to Britain for the first time. "
"Miley Ray Cyrus has added an extra date, December 29 at the O2 Arena in London with 23,000 capacity to meet demand after selling all their tickets Tour 2009 in the United Kingdom and Ireland. The new show will be the fifth concert tour of Miley in London.
Concerts for 13, 14, 19 and December 20 were completely sold, as well as shows at the O2 Arena in Dublin for 16 and December 17, LG Arena in Birmingham on 22 December and 23 December and the MEN Arena in Manchester ( 27 and 28 December). The Tickets for the date added to London go on sale Oct. 30.
Meanwhile superstar Miley Cyrus Hollywood Records had his first No. 1 on the Top 40 radio with their "Party in the USA ' Thursday October 26, according to Billboard charts. The song was played about 11,000 times, beating Beyonce competitive issues, Lada GaGa and Kelly Clarkson.
Sales of Miley tickets to the Tour in 2009 by the UK out weeks in advance, is the first time that has been made by a female artist who travels to Britain for the first time. "
Car Trailer Blueprints Free
Selena? Tween
-nose who's worst dressed, if putelena or mother.
-nooo, please, who would use a dress echo of comics! into the pit all susie, diu: s
-schoolgirl WHORE.
-definitely ugliest dress I saw in my life!
- plain shirt up a long sleeve printed in yellow, red green skirt and Cals! Please, should go to jail, and the worst is like this stop ajjaj looks like a duck xD
- No Coments
now want to know who saw it (for me):
I leave one of the biggest questions for you to give your opinion, Who wears this shit mine? Just look at your photos, I think someone at least 17 years have a little idea about fashion, but as always it is the exception .

-I know what you imagine, selena use this dress for a halloween party, but I regret to say NO.

- looks like an old jean skirt, heels and hideous vest chasm that makes you see all the belly Royos:





- plain shirt up a long sleeve printed in yellow, red green skirt and Cals! Please, should go to jail, and the worst is like this stop ajjaj looks like a duck xD

- No Coments
now want to know who saw it (for me):

by mundomiley
What If You've Had Hepatitis B
Jesus, Miley Cyrus on American Idol! Selena

Tween Jesus, Miley Ray Cyrus appears as a mentor on American Idol results and thus help the 11 finalists:
Benami Didi, Crystal Bowersox Lee Dewyze, Andrés García, Casey James, Aaron Kelly, Michael Lynche, Siobhan Magnus, Paige Miles, Katie Stevens and Tim Urban.
March 24 (9-10 pm ET live / PT tape-delayed), to see Cyrus performing her hit "When I look at you", Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato singing "Make a Wave" and find out who receives enough votes to stay in the competition.
March 24 (9-10 pm ET live / PT tape-delayed), to see Cyrus performing her hit "When I look at you", Joe Jonas and Demi Lovato singing "Make a Wave" and find out who receives enough votes to stay in the competition.
Miley is the youngest artist to achieve multi-platinum and to have four No. 1 albums in less than three years. What American Idol contestant do you support?
Source: OceanUp
Cs3 Master Collection Insert
upset trying to look "sexy"
Here is the cake face bitch showing off her very thin, emaciated and falls breasts to a man who has the face of "I have no desire to get the picture. Let me pay attention whore!" And where you can also see the suffering torticollis Selena pocicion judging from his neck and back.
the locaza
And here is dancing this is a non mearce Salza over, because obviously suffering from incontinence (such as older people who accrued adult diapers)
A straitjacket is next we need.

Here is the cake face bitch showing off her very thin, emaciated and falls breasts to a man who has the face of "I have no desire to get the picture. Let me pay attention whore!" And where you can also see the suffering torticollis Selena pocicion judging from his neck and back.

And here is dancing this is a non mearce Salza over, because obviously suffering from incontinence (such as older people who accrued adult diapers)
A straitjacket is next we need.
What Is The Equvilent Of Solid Shortening To Oil
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Where Can I Buy Quick Salt
Putelena are still copies!
God, this girl will never stop! Look, I found three new copies.
-magazine. Both
God, this girl will never stop! Look, I found three new copies.
A, as usual, the goddess of miley:

Here another copy to Miley:

-yellow dress.
-shape and similar hair color.
"And as you can read both cover says:" Fashion & Beauty Ideas "
and I come with that is beyond coincidence!

And this one demonstrate that broad does not just copy celebrities. I am a big fan of Ryan Sheckler, and if you have visdo on MTV reality show "Life of Ryan" will see that one of the best friends of his name is Taylor. Now look at the yellow and rose-colored glasses of the following photos. The first is the victim and the second is taylor putelena.

Now the million dollar question Who will be his next victim? We now realize that it can be anyone, even one of us.
by mundomiley
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